Scott "Q" Marcus (scottqmarcus)

Scott “Q” Marcus has a three-decade career in the media as a DJ, talk show host, Music Director, Program Director, Operations Director and later: sales manager, station manager, and general manager of various radio and TV stations. He also produces marketing seminars at and is a sales and marketing consultant for the Northcoast Small Business Development Center. Two Words magazine is associated with , his blog about all things marketing.Background:In 1994, he lost 70 pounds and became a THINspirational Speaker (and recovering perfectionist), helping individuals and organizations overcome procrastination and perfectionism to be happier, healthier, and more productive. He is the past president of the Northern California chapter of the National Speakers Association, a Weight Watchers Diamond Leader, and a syndicated columnist with three books. His presentations are described as “a cross between Sales 101, Group Therapy and a Southern Revival.” He strongly suggests that in order to get the most of his presentation, you put your left-brain on hold. Finally, although he has lost a great deal of weight and is a Weight Watchers leader, he is not a “food cop.” He will not watch what you eat if you do not watch what he eats. (Although he might be persuaded to do a seminar in your city in exchange for Chocolate or French Fries.)

Collection: Two Words

2 publications

  • Two Words: I Can...

    The second issue of the motivational, creative magazine, "Two Words." Each issue is dedicated to a single two-word phrase. Several authors each write…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $4.47
  • Two Words: We Are...

    This is the first issue of "Two Words," a magazine dedicated to hope, inspiration and change from a simple phrase.

    The concept is simple. Every issue,…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $5.97