Deadman's Tome

jesse dedman

Deadman's Tome delivers tales saturated by the corrosive vile of horror so that, no matter the genre, your threshold for terror will be tested and eventually crossed.

Warning: Not responsible for any abrupt, acute breakdown in psychosis, weak stomach, vomiting, nights spent drench in a cold sweat, and possibly sudden and unexplainable death.

Publications in Deadman's Tome

2 Publications

  • Deadman's Tome : April 2010

    This edition introduces Sergeant Bert Dalton, a character created by A. D. Dawson, while featuring “My Salieri Complex by M.J. Neary, “Facsimile” by…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $16.00 Digital: Free!
  • Deadman's Tome : May 2010

    Since the summer heat often evokes thoughts of sandy beaches backed by clear rolling tides, all of which populated with hot, attractive young women…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $17.00

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