
CRED Magazine

The CRED Definition: Cred': slang term for credibility or credible.

Cred Magazine: No matter what your position may be, no matter what your lot in life, no matter what your all comes down to one thing...."Cred", your credibility. Mainstream entertainers have to attribute their CRED and success to the machine that fuels their presence on our air waves, our TV set and our print media. The time has come; Indie artists and models now can have the same type of promotion, marketing and media in this 21st Century. CRED Magazine will become an important part of this INDIE movement. CRED Magazine will prove that it doesn't take the mainstream media machine, to show that you can have credibility. CRED Magazine will never stop catering to the Indie talent and underground music scene in your city. We will always support the models whose untraditional looks set the style and pace of fashion in our own cities, wards, towns and boroughs.

Publications in Cred

1 Publication

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