- Publisher:
- Lisa Matheson
- Since:
- 2008
Since 1987 The Busy Bunny® has manufactured natural edible toys and treats for pet rabbits. Our products are designed with pet rabbits in mind. We have carefully researched all of the ingredients to ensure that they are as safe and wholesome for your rabbit as is possible. The rabbit products, rabbit treats, and rabbit food shown on these pages are all natural, and completely edible - even the baskets are edible. The baskets are made of untreated willow and are filled with a variety of treats, including pinecones, timothy hay, alfalfa, alfalfa cubes, and twigs from certified organically grown apple trees. We are very concerned with the quality and safety of our products, and only sell what we would give to our own bunnies.
Publications in May 2008 Retail Catalog
1 Publication
May 2008 Retail Catalog: Busy Bunny Retail Catalog - Rev 1
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $1.60 Digital: Free!