My Passion ,My Life:

My Life as seen through my eye's

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
joe owens
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
100 pages Saddle-stitched

This is a book of some of my favorite works and I want to share them to the entire world. My work is not just for me but to share with everyone. I love doing what I do so I can share it with the world but its not always easy to do at times. So I want to thank the person who always Keep me in line when I felt like giving up My Mother. I love you Mom and thank you you are deeply missed and this is for you. I am doing what I said I was going to do and my life's work is dedicated to you the one who always believed in me.

My Passion ,My Life: My Life as seen through my eye's

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